Reclaim. Heal. Break-Free.

Our ancestors survived so that we could thrive. 


Liberatory, Healing-Centered Coaching for Latina Leaders who are ready to reclaim their power, heal and break-free from what's holding them back so they can live and lead fully, freely and boldly. 


Our ancestors survived so that we could thrive. 

Liberatory, Healing-Centered Coaching for Latina Leaders who are ready to reclaim their power, heal and break-free from what's holding them back so they can live and lead fully, freely and boldly. 

Mi hermana,

There's been a still, small voice inside your heart whispering that there is MORE for you to be and do.
Perhaps this is our Creator/the Universe's sign for you to listen and finally
step into all you were purposed to be…

As first-generation women of color, we have the honor and privilege to be the first in our families to experience so much more than they have had the opportunity to. 

We stand on the shoulders of those that came before us and,
we didn't come this far to only come this far.

We are change-makers and legacy-builders.

I see you. I honor you. 

it's no mistake that you are.

You are ground-breaking. You are unstoppable. 

I'm so glad you are here...

It's time you define yourself for yourself and step into your infinite power and potential.


Mi hermana,

There's been a still, small voice inside your heart whispering that there is MORE for you to be and do.
Perhaps this is our Creator/the Universe's sign for you to listen and finally
step into all you were purposed to be…

As first-generation women of color, we have the honor and privilege to be the first in our families to experience so much more than they have had the opportunity to. 

We stand on the shoulders of those that came before us and,
we didn't come this far to only come this far.

We are change-makers and legacy-builders.

I see you. I honor you. 

it's no mistake that you are.

You are ground-breaking.
You are unstoppable. 

I'm so glad you are here...

It's time you define yourself for yourself and step into your infinite power and potential.


— Shayauna Brewer, Coaching client

"I always leave our sessions feeling like more fuel has been added to my fire, feeling fully seen and validated, and feeling lighter."

This is for you if...

-You sense there's an evolved version of you being called forward - a you that is more aligned with your true self, your values, your vision, your power and your purpose. 

-You desire to live and lead more fully, freely, boldly and authentically. 

-You're committed to engaging in the learning, unlearning and healing that is necessary in order to identify and break-free from what is holding you back.

-You are interested in holistic, transformative 1:1 support by a trained and accredited Certified Professional Coach who gets you and the nuance of your journey given our identities and lived experiences.

i'm ready.

This is for you if...

-You sense there's an evolved version of you being called forward - a you that is more aligned with your true self, your values, your vision, your power and your purpose. 

-You desire to live and lead more fully, freely, boldly and authentically. 

-You're committed to engaging in the learning, unlearning and healing that is necessary in order to identify and break-free from what is holding you back.

-You are interested in holistic, transformative 1:1 support by a trained and accredited Certified Professional Coach who gets you and the nuance of your journey given our identities and lived experiences.

i'm ready.

When I dare to be powerful, 
to use my strength in service of my vision then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.

-Audre Lorde

(re)connect with your essence; what your heart and soul most deeply desire (including your own values, beliefs and dreams-- not those that society said you were “supposed” to have or those that have been passed down to you)

identify and begin to unlearn and heal the internalized messages, beliefs, and conditioning that are causing fear and self-doubt

tap into the wisdom already within you

gain confidence and clarity

Be prepared to...

liberated and empowered as the author and change-agent
in your own life.

you'll feel...

i'm ready.

1:1 Coaching Partnerships include:

Foundational session

The foundational session sets the ground for our work together. You'll have the opportunity to deeply reflect on various aspects of your identity, lived experiences and social conditioning, beginning the process of (re)connecting with and (re)claiming your essence and your power. 

values assessment

Our values are like a compass that guide our decisions and actions. Identifying and becoming aware of our personal values is a critical component to the process of returning to ourselves; unlearning our conditioning and (re)connecting with who we truly are.  

resources & support

Throughout our partnership, I provide personalized support and resources given your specific and unique lived experiences, challenges, desires and goals.

-Yvette Rodriguez, Coaching Client

"I left our sessions feeling so empowered and like my truest self. It is not often that I feel so seen and affirmed."

What Clients are saying

Just from learning briefly about who Bárbara was a woman and leader, I knew that it would be a privilege to work with her. Bárbara made me feel seen, heard and validated. She made me feel proud of myself and helped me to believe in myself again. Bárbara was able to give me the coaching, guidance, and grace I did not know that I needed.

--Shayauna Brewer, Coaching Client

"Bárbara is not just a coach, she's a partner."

-Mary Bliss, Coaching Client

"One of the major insights that I received from my coaching experience with Bárbara was a reminder to trust myself - everything I need is already within me. I was able to experience giving myself grace. Bárbara was able to help me rethink and articulate my vision of what teaching should look like and of what liberation through education means to me. Through our time together, I was able to make connections of how my core values and beliefs show up in my actions, thoughts, and feelings. This was truly revelation for me as an educator leader because it was a stepping stone in aligning who I am and the justice I want to achieve."

"What I enjoyed most about my coaching sessions with Bárbara was her ability to make me feel heard, seen, and safe while also leading us through a productive conversation. I felt cared for during our conversation and as though I could be my authentic self."

-Usha H., Coaching Client

"It only took one session for me to feel the power of coaching with Bárbara. It's as if she reflects your light and holds it with you, as you learn how to understand what the light means for you. She was both strategic in identifying tangible outcomes, guiding the session toward meeting your session goals, and building your practice of consistently connecting to your inner power.

-Yuri Lopez, Coaching Client

"Bárbara intertwines her authenticity and joy with reflective practices - a combination that created a palpable safety and warmth in our interaction, even though it was virtual.
It felt like I was sharing with a friend, a sister,
a comrade in liberation.

-Maria Rodriguez, Coaching Client

-Yvette Maldonado

"I left our sessions feeling so empowered and like my truest self. It is not often that I feel so seen and affirmed."

What Clients are saying

"Just from learning briefly about who Bárbara was a woman and leader, I knew that it would be a privilege to work with her. Bárbara made me feel seen, heard and validated. She made me feel proud of myself and helped me to believe in myself again. Bárbara was able to give me the coaching, guidance, and grace I did not know that I needed."

-Shayauna Brewer

"What I enjoyed most about my coaching sessions with Bárbara was her ability to make me feel heard, seen, and safe while also leading us through a productive conversation. I felt cared for during our conversation and as though I could be my authentic self."

-Usha H.

"Bárbara is not just a coach, she's a partner."

--Mary Bliss

"It only took one session for me to feel the power of coaching with Bárbara. It's as if she reflects your light and holds it with you, as you learn how to understand what the light means for you. She was both strategic in identifying tangible outcomes, guiding the session toward meeting your session goals, and building your practice of consistently connecting to your inner power.

-Yuri Lopez

My heart and life's work is committed to the vision of contributing to a world where historically and systemically marginalized communities are fully experiencing and living in our infinite power and potential.

I am passionate about supporting first-generation women of color to heal and break-free from the adverse effects of our social conditioning in service of our own self-actualization, liberation, and empowerment. 

SoyBárbara Escudero

Read my story


My Accreditations

Questions & Answers

What is coaching?

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. As a coach, I honor my clients as the expert in their life and work, and believe every client is creative, resourceful and whole.

what is a certified or accredited coach?

The coaching industry is unfortunately not yet regulated. Therefore, not every person claiming to be a coach is certified or accredited. 

I am a proud graduate of the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC), one of the top international coaching schools in the world. I hold two coaching certifications: Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and Energy-Leadership Master Practitioner (ELI-MP).  I am also a member of and proudly accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ACC). I received over 320 training hours and have accumulated over 200 coaching hours. 

what does a coaching session look like?

Sessions are typically one hour and are held over zoom or phone. As the client, you set the objectives and measures of success for each session. As your coach, my role is to hold your agenda and leverage my training tools to support you in navigating your way to your intended outcomes.  Along the way, I support you in tapping into your inner wisdom and discovering the beliefs, conditioning and knowledge that you need to learn and/or unlearn in order to reach your goals. 

I'm ready

Our ancestors survived so that we could thrive. 

Ready to reclaim, heal and break-free?


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